Sculpture, traditional sculpture , Fine art sculpture, bronze sculpture, terra-cotta sculpture, monuments, bronze monument commissions, portrait sculptures,  figure sculpture, limited edition bronze sculpture, historic sculpture , abolitionist monument, civil war sculpture, monument restoration, bronze restoration, butter sculpture, central new york sculptors, new york sculptors, bronze portraits, terra cotta portraits, bronze garden sculptures, bronze commissions, sculptures, equine sculpture, canine sculpture, religious sculpture, custom sculptures, architectural sculpture, teaching sculpture, sculpture workshops, living sculptors, living traditional sculptors, sculpture lectures, the art of bronze casting, animal sculpture, Sharon BuMann/sculptor,

Sharon Bumann, George Bumann Sculpture, George Bumann Sculpture, Jenny Lynn Golden, Amy Bumann. Amy Bumann Eustace, Amy Eustace,

Dr. Mary Walker, Mary Edwards Walker, Congressional Medal of  Honor winner, Elizabeth Cotton,  Libba Cotton, scale models, horse art, horse sculpture, Civil War art, Civil war sculpture, Military monuments, Price of Freedom monument, dalmatians, City of Syracuse New York,  butter sculpture

Sharon BuMann, George BuMann, bas-relief sculpture, traveling sculptor

Bronze Restoration

BuMann Sculpture Studio
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      BuMann Sculpture Studio’s Technical Restoration Service (TRS) is a melding of art and industry. For years many public monuments have been the victims of neglect and abuse.  The results has left these historic works of art in a prolonged state of decay. TRS’s  goal is to bring back the original aesthetic qualities of each sculpture and more importantly, to halt the negative affects of age and environment.  BuMann finds a tremendous amount of satisfaction in the restoration and preservation  of public art. The necessary research relating to individual pieces often unfolds a rich history relating to the artist, foundry and intent.

The  uniqueness of each situation lends itself to  a vast education.  Enlightening the general public and civic officials to  the need for regular  attention  to these icons creates a renewed sense of stewardship and respect for those who came before us. 

We must protect them for future generations...

All material contained herein is copyrighted against unauthorized use and reproduction in any form
by Sharon BuMann

© S. BuMann 2012